What is Tooth Enamel Erosion and Can It Be Treated?

August 25, 2019 by Hersel Hanasab, DDS

What is Tooth Enamel Erosion and Can It Be Treated? Did you know that 250 tooth enamel is the strongest and most durable tissue within our body? It is stronger than our bones, and harder than steel!  Tooth enamel is the substance on the outside layer of your teeth. Enamel is responsible for protecting your teeth from damage. However, don't let the strength of enamel fool you. Tooth enamel can be broken down and ...

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5 Top Benefits of Using Fluoride Treatment

April 21, 2019 by Hersel Hanasab, DDS

5 Top Benefits of Using Fluoride Treatments We all know how important fluoride treatments are for children. However, did you know that fluoride usage for adults is just as important? It’s never too late to start practicing a healthy oral hygiene routine for your teeth. Even adults should use fluoride to experience the amazing positive effects it has on our teeth.   There are 5 clear benefits of fluoride treatments that all ages can appreciate ...

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How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush

March 25, 2019 by Hersel Hanasab, DDS

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush Most people are surprised to learn that the average toothbrush contains over 700 kinds of bacteria. Fungi, viruses, and tiny microorganisms sit on the bristles of toothbrushes around the world, establishing a foundation for diseases to form. If the thought of bacteria dwelling on the toothbrush you routinely place in your mouth doesn’t peak your curiosity about changing your oral hygiene habits, think about the poor physical ...

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10 Dental Care Tips to Keep in Mind When You're Pregnant

February 25, 2019 by Hersel Hanasab, DDS

10 Dental Care Tips to Keep in Mind When You're Pregnant Many pregnant women carefully manage their diet, environment, and routine.  However, these same women often fail to consider their dental health during pregnancy.  This lack of dental health awareness can create serious consequences. Dentistry and pregnancy go hand in hand. Pregnancy often creates changes that can lead to serious dental problems, placing the mother and baby at risk. Dentistry and Pregnancy The development ...

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Surprising Foods that are Actually Good for Your Teeth

August 28, 2018 by Hersel Hanasab, DDS

Surprising Foods that are Actually Good for Your Teeth We’ve all been there–it’s late, you’re exhausted, and the last thing you want to do is spend ten minutes taking care of your teeth before collapsing into bed. Here’s the important thing to remember – the health of our mouth is closely linked to the health of your overall body.  In fact, some physicians who suspect heart disease will often refer patients ...

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